About Us

About Softwaremen

Softwaremen is the trademark of the product introduced by the software department in 2009, who works under the structure of Gigabyte Ltd since 2002.

Our software department has undersigned a lot of software project and solutions. Personnel supervision software which is being used at Cyprus Branch offices of Turkiye Is Bankasi and Anadolu Sigorta; PDA retail sale solutions used by pharmacies; PDA on the spot sales solutions used by wholesaler distributors; Marco Polo see the price (PriceChecker) software; Price List solutions used at the markets; Stock, Finance, accounting automation and barcode softwares used at different sectors; application solutions used by Pharmacy Unions, Insurance Unions, Chamber of Commerce and similiar establishments and the websites made for several companies and establishments can be counted as samples.

Rapid changing technology, human needs and solution expectations of the sectors have urged us to establish Softwaremen as a trademark in composing package products for prompt software solutions according to the demand of the customers. Thus, more users will be able to install our applications and self-educate theirselves. Morever, wih the online support system developed by us, they will be able to reach help anytime and solve their problems in a short time.

At every service, SoftwareMen develops “really needed”, reliable and innovative solutions to our customers under the light of a Professional view. The successfully completed projects carry the level of our company at higher points on the sector graph. 

Our Quality Policy

Our company has adopted obeying the quality management system, continuous development, developing the products and services according to the needs and expectations of the customers, continuous enhancing of software products and services, maintaining profitability for our custommers by attaining lower costs without compromise from quality and ralisation of all these by the cooperation and efforts of our workers. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to maintain customer appreciation by diagnosing the emerging needs of our corporate and individual customers, sharing of information and converting this information to applications. 

Our Vision

To become a forerunner company who has maintained continuous trust in the sector during education, development and diversification stages at international standards

To become a management and application system for maintaining continuous development and innovation by using continuos education, evaluation and enhancing methods.

To become a trademark at international standards in the information sector which is preferred by the local and foreign business partners because of its customer appreciation, use of high technology, setting the trends in changes and redering value added solutions inside and outside the country.