Softwaremen Mobile

Product Details

SoftwareMen Mobile is a product managing system which allows you to manage the existing depot, sales and delivery organizations more efficiently. It runs on MS Mobile systems. It can use Mobile SQL data base and operates on stock, current price, invoice, collection etc.

SoftwareMen Mobile needs the Data Sync application in order to communicate with desktop computers. Thee are two versions of SoftwareMen Mobile. These are Softwaremen Mobile and SoftwareMen Mobile Plus. In Mobile Plus version Stock taking, Barcode and Pos modules are added to the application.

SoftwareMen Mobile application encloses two sub- applications; DataSync and SmMobile. Detailed information about these products can be reached from the sub menu.

Sector Explanation
Store Delivery acceptance, tranfers between the depots and turnovers, purchase returns,integration with depot and store stock- taking.
Delivery Receiving orders, on site billing and sales operations, daily sales reports,customer dept and report of assets and liabilities, online communication with back office.
Pharmacy Bar-coded sales transactions, product return, stock follow-up, daily sales reports, online communication with back office price update.

Product Comparison Table


SoftwareMen Mobile

SoftwareMen Mobile Plus
Stock Receipts


Starting from the entry of the goods to the depot, the transactions such as displacement between the depots, product acceptance, dispatching, preparing the order list ,label printing, stock taking, retailing, are carried out by SMMOBIL with the support or the hand terminal. It provides convenience and control with the operations such as hot sale, receiving orders and the delivery. It also brings working flexibility at the long distance spots by using GSM and GPRS.

General Features of The Application
  • Stock card and current card can be described and modified.
  • Purchase and sale invoices, delivery notes, returns, stock in and out, depot transfer stock taking documents, payment and collection receipts can be operated by using this application.
  • Data transferring to the centre is possible by FTP module.
  • It can be provided to get price tags from mobile barcode printer by finding the bar-coded product information using the product information module.
  • It can be used as a bar-coded sales terminal using the Pos Mobile. It can be provided to get the sales report of the day.
  • Invoice List module, current price can be chosen and the list of open and closed invoice can be taken and printed out for the date intervals.
  • Stock taking process is possible by entering the barcodes one by one or entering the total amount .sock taking data can also be saved as document or printed out.
  • Products can be found due to code, barcode, or name.
  • Product delivery acceptance in companies can be operated.
  • It provides both online and offline operation.
  • It is possible to reach the list of current price and stock card operations. It is also possible to the Payment, collection, cheque, invoice, purchaser-dealer and information about the foundations.

User Manual Online Demo


As a consequence of technological development, people work on different platforms and they save the information in different ambient.When you want to transfer your existing information from one platform to another, you may encounter some great difficulties. At this point, Data Sync application will serve you as your best assistant.

Data Sync application is developed for transferring data between two different platforms. It enables you to transfer data from your hand terminal to the desktop computer application data base or the other way round.

General Features of The Application
  • It enables data transfer between the files such as MS Access, SQL Server, Excel, Mobil SQL and Text.
  • Profiles can be created by describing assigments and actions and data exchange becomes more practical.
  • By using different trasportation profiles, you can trasport the work in pieces or at a sitting
  • By describing stabilize and nonstables, the profiles can be provided to be flexible.
  • You can change territorial and language settings as you wish in the program.
  • You can create new profiles using the existing ones as base.
  • Transportation can be started at the moment the communication encounters the mobile equipment guide or under user’s control.
  • Achieved or Unachieved steps can be followed during the transportation.

User Manual Online Demo