SoftwareMen Pos is a sales automation system able to be driven by Windows operating system in Pos terminals and computers, and developed for enterprises having retail points of sale such as general stores, clothing shops, shoe shops, coffee shops, cafés and bars, fast food restaurants, drugstores, patisseries, commissary stores, clubs and institutions. Softwaremen Pos can optionally be used with activations such as retail point terminal, table follow-up, takeaway and fast food service.
Softwaremen Pos covers such applications as SMPOS, SMPOS Manager and SMPOS Sync, and ordering and sale are possible both with mobile devices and POS terminals. If required, all data can be transferred to Softwaremen Suit as the back office application.
Retail Point Terminal:
It is a retail sales automation system able to process selling operations through cash, cheque, credit card and foreign currency by using the product code or scanning the barcode number. Additionally, it can print receipts and slips and it can follow the dealer’s account.
Table Follow-up (Food&Beverage):
It is a restaurant automation system used to manage orders from different salons and tables, follow the service staff and serve as the point of bill closure.
Takeaway Service (Food&Beverage):
It is a restaurant takeaway service application able to get orders without having to get customer information again and again. The application also enables the user to register new customers calling from different lines and addresses and to follow the service personnel.
Fast Food (Food&Beverage):
It is a fast food automation system, in which orders can be made by choosing from defined menus and noted products, and which can be used as the order and bill closure point.
SMPOS600 is a sales automation system able to be driven by Windows operating system in Pos terminals and computers, and developed for enterprises having retail points of sale such as general stores, clothing shops, shoe shops, coffee shops, cafés and bars, fast food restaurants, drugstores, patisseries, commissary stores, clubs and institutions. SMPOS600 is the version which runs on non-confirmed financal POS terminals and SMPOS is the one which runs on terminals and printers having financial confirmation.
It is an administrative software of Softwaremen POS which can be benefitted by the customers.You can operate on product, customer,salon,table,value added tax, currency, sales represantative cashier and foreign exchange input.
SYMPOS Mobile is a mobile terminal application running in Microsoft Mobile Operation Systems in order to take orders from the tables. It is also necessary for monitoring table operations in food and beverage industry.
SMPOS SYNC which is designed as a client server, is a communication application which runs on the desktop operating system. It is used for transferring data along with Background office application Softwaremen Suit (sending /receiving data ,communicating,texting etc.). It also provides a fast and accurate information exchange between SMPOS600 and Softwaremen Suit.
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