Softwaremen Cloud Is In Any Home!
Within the Birinci Group, operating under the slogan of ‘Anything for Home’, Any Stores preferred to work with Softwaremen Cloud in product, sales and stock management. Developed and still being developed by Gigabyte LLC in 2009 for the purpose of bringing solutions to problems of all customers including individual and business, Softwaremen offers service with Stockman, FinanceMan and BarcodeMan modules. Along with Stockman, FinanceMan and BarcodeMan modules, Gigabyte LLC software team works very hard to keep user satisfaction at the highest level from uniform accounting system to personnel payroll tracking management with AccountMan, Serviceman, ProductMan and Wageman modules. Softwaremen Softwares which delivers solution and safety with its practical modules for every sector provides comfort and professionalism within the company management system. With its ever-developing and successfully completed projects, Gigabyte LLC, improves rapidly with the aim of further developing its chart in IT sector to the highest level in cooperation with Any Home.